
Part of what makes our brand unique are the materials we use. All of our materials meet our commitment to our values and our impact, favoring certified eco-friendly, recycled, reused or bio-degradable materials

Organic Cotton

Organic is the only system which eliminates highly toxic substances from the environment and instead works holistically, for the long-term benefit of people and the planet.

Why organic cotton is a sustainable choice?

1. Combats climate change

Organic farmers use natural methods to grow cotton. As farmers don’t use fossil-fuel based fertilisers, they build healthy soils which store carbon and help to combat climate change.

2. Saves and protects precious water

Organic cotton is better for water than conventionally produced cotton. Organic farming creates healthy soils, which act like a sponge, soaking upwater during floods and holding it for longer in times of drought. Rivers, lakes and drinking water are kept cleaner too.

3. Helps farmers feed their families

To maintain a balanced system on their farms, organic farmers always grow other crops alongside their cotton, which helps to keep soils healthy, encourage wildlife and protect topsoil. For cotton farmers, these crops can provide farming families and their communities with a more stable, accessible, abundant and diverse food supply and another source of income. 

4. Gives control to farmers not GM companies

Genetically modified (GM) seeds are banned in organic farming, so farmers are not reliant on a handful of GM companies. Instead, they save their seeds year after year, and work with the environment in a long-term, sustainable way.

5. Eliminates hazardous synthetic pesticides

Organic farmers use natural methods like crop rotation to control pests and diseases. Hazardous synthetic pesticides used in non-organic farming can damage ecosystems, poison waterways and endanger workers who can’t always afford safety equipment needed to protect them. Conventional cotton alone is responsible for 16% of all insecticides sold worldwide.

Certified Recycled Plastic

Certified Recycled Plastic is the transcription system that guarantees the traceability of recycled plastic material.

According to the definition given by the European Parliament , the circular economy is “a model of production and consumption that involves sharing, lending, reusing, repairing, refurbishing and recycling existing materials and products as long as possible”. The goal of the circular economy is to extend the lifecycle of products, thus contributing to waste reduction. To achieve this purpose, these should be reintroduced into the economic cycle products already used, transforming waste into resources and creating further value.

Certified Recycled Plastic supports the circular economy in two ways: on the one hand, it offers plastic industries the certainty of treating recycled materials that comply with regulations and, on the other, by recording the “history” of the material up to the finished product, it raises awareness among consumers and directs them towards more informed and sustainable choices.

Recycled Polyester

Recycled polyester is made from recycled materials (PET and polyester fabrics), by processing existing plastic waste – most commonly single use plastic bottles – and re-spinning it into new polyester fiber.

What are the advantages of Recycled Polyester?

  1. Recycled polyester doesn’t require fossil fuels to be produced, lowering the demand for new raw materials extraction and reducing the overall carbon footprint. Its carbon footprint even beats organic cotton.
  2. Recycled polyester requires less energy and its production has less around 75% CO2 emissions, when comparing to virgin polyester.
  3. Recycled polyester uses about 90% less water than production of virgin polyester and has almost no water footprint, when compared to natural fibres, such as cotton.
  4. Recycled polyester helps to reduce waste, by providing a use for post-consumer and post-industrial, and encourages positive recycling behaviours.

5. Recycled polyester gives a second life to materials that are not biodegradable and would otherwise end up in landfill or the oceans, which can minimise the 8 million tons of plastic that find themselves in our oceans every year. This can help to protect marine ecosystems and underwater wildlife that is often endangered by plastic pollution.


Bamboo is a fast growing and a naturally renewable tree-like grass. It requires little maintenance to farm as it doesn’t need any pesticides or herbicides and very little water to grow.
There are over 1,200 different species of bamboo in existence and most are highly adaptable, particularly in high humidity regions.

Bamboo is able to grow in Southeast Asia, Africa, America, Europe, depending on the specie.

How does bamboo contributes for the environment?

One of the biggest environmental benefits of bamboo is its ability to absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen.
Compared to an equivalent tree mass, bamboo produces 35% more oxygen and research has shown that bamboo can absorb as much as 12 tonnes of carbon dioxide per hectare per year.

Bamboo also grows insanely fast, sometimes at a rate of 3 feet (90cm) per day, depending on variety. To grow to full maturity only takes 1 to 5 years, again depending on variety. This is considerably faster than the fastest growing trees.
When harvested bamboo regrows from its own root system, it doesn’t need to be planted again.

Not only is this great from a naturally renewable perspective, but this also means that the soil and roots aren’t disturbed which is great for soil health.

While the bamboo plant only has shallow roots, they develop to create a fibrous network underground which helps to hold the soil together. By not disturbing the roots and soil between harvests, the soil and the micro-environment beneath the surface continue to develop and improve.

Soil improvement helps with water absorption, as well as aiding in the prevention of soil erosion. Many areas where bamboo is grown are subject to heavy rain and monsoons during the wet season, and improved soil and healthy roots helps to minimise landslides.

Organic Corn Starch

Starch is a natural, Corn starch polymers from corn kernels organic polymer of glucose and the corn starch polymer is obtained from the endosperm of the kernel and is commonly used in food preparation.  Polymers are long chain molecules that have a basic repeating unit.

Corn starch polymers are used to produce bio

What are the advantages of corn starch polymers?

It comes from a renewable source, corn, which can be planted again.Bioplastics will not emit toxic gasses when it is incinerated as it contains no toxins.

A reduction of 68% of greenhouse gas emissions, compared with production of conventional fossil fuel plastic, so much less greenhouse gases are emitted.

Corn starch plastic needs 65% less energy to be produced than conventional petroleum based plastics.

Using corn starch polymers to make plastic have no danger of explosion during the production process as is the case with petroleum, so it is much safer to work with.

Organic food waste can be composted with it.

Recycled Paper

Recycled paper is the greenest option. It uses less energy, water, and produces lower carbon emissions than the manufacturing of non-recycled paper and at the same time reduces the amount of waste to landfill – as paper can be recycled 4 to 5 times.

Reducing deforestation reduces habitat loss for wildlife, and keeps more oxygen in the atmosphere.

Because trees help to filter particulates from the air, more trees also means less pollution on a global scale.

Recycling paper can do even more than save trees. In fact, recycling roughly one ton of paper reduces greenhouse gas emissions by one ton of carbon equivalent, and saves around 26000 liters of water. By using recycled paper, we are taking advantage of all the good that comes from recycling paper products.

Can recycled paper be biodegradable?

Yes. Paper is both biodegradable and compostable. But, whenever possible, it should be recycled rather than composting it.

Recycled paper fibres can be mixed with sustainably sourced virgin fibres to create more eco friendly paper products.

FSC certified paper

The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), which describes itself as a “group of businesses, environmentalists and community leaders,” is a well-respected not-for-profit which aims to protect the world’s forests by overseeing and improving timber production.

The FSC has worked with key players in the timber industry to inspect and track timber and pulp through production chains, and ensure that more forests are managed in a sustainable way. Any paper or wood products certified by the FSC were created with sustainable practices.

The FSC also considers the ethical treatment of people in the production of timber. So far, the FSC has certified around 174 million hectares (429 million acres) of forests worldwide.

Paper that is FSC certified is clearly labeled as such.